
Full Name: Ciarra Wilson
Pronounced: see-AIR-uh WILL-sun
Date of Acquisition: 9/2/22
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Provenance: Secondhand from Facebook
Character Birthday: 5/8
Head Sculpt: Smartdoll Beyond - Cocoa
Style: Preppy, Otaku, Comfy
Body Sculpt: Smartdoll F Body with Push-up Bust - Cocoa
Favorite Color: Purple

Ciarra is a college-aged otaku girl in love with the manga Princess Jellyfish. She's currently majoring in fashion design, and likes to post videos of her classwork (and her anime reviews) on Youtube under the handle Tsukitti. She loves the kawaii looks of Harajuku, and dreams of one day having enough money to go to Japan.

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